Analysis of nucleotide and protein sequence data was initially restricted to those with access to complicated mainframe or expensive desktop computer programs (for example PC/GENE, Lasergene, MacVector, Accelrys etc.). The availability of online tools permits even the novice molecular biologist the opportunity to derive a considerable amount of. The versatile open source genome analysis software. The GenomeTools genome analysis system is a free collection of bioinformatics tools (in the realm of genome informatics) combined into a single binary named gt. It is based on a C library named “libgenometools” which consists of several modules. Sophisticated and user-friendly software suite for analyzing DNA and protein sequence data from species and populations. MEGA 11.0.8 for Windows and Linux(32 and 64 bit) and macOS is now available. This is a bug fix release and is the first stable release of version 11. Art's Free Software Page (List of free software that is relevant to the Molecular Biology and Structural Biology fields. For different platforms: mac-windows-unix) General Software. Tucows Mac Software. Enzyme X A full featured macos restriction cutting analysis software.

Editor's Picks

BioEdit - a free and very popular free sequence alignment editor for Windows. Has not been actively developed for several years, but still gets excellent reviews.

Free Dna Analysis Software Mac

CodonCode Aligner - A powerful sequence alignment program for Windows and Mac OS X. Free demo downloads (no forms), 30-day fully functional trial.

MEGA - A free tool for sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree building and analysis. Integrated web interface for BLAST searches and GenBank browsing.


Free Sequence Alignment Software

Clustal - Perhaps the most commonly used tool for multiple sequence alignments. Available with a graphical user interface (ClustalX) or with a command line interface (ClustalW).

MUSCLE - A newer multiple sequence alignment program that often gives better alignments that Clustal, and is substantially faster for large data sets. No graphical user interface; public domain, available as source code.

Se-Al - An older sequence alignment editor for Mac OS X. Not updated since 2002, but still popular.

JAligner - Java implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm for pairwise alignments.

Mesquite - Software for evolutionary biology. Most functions are for post-alignment analysis like phylogenetic tree analysis, but also useful to view and manipulate sequence alignments.

Commercial Software For Sequence Alignment

Sequencher - A widely used sequence alignment and assembly package that started out as a program for the 'classic' Macintosh. Prices for licenses are not listed at the web site, but typically start at several thousand dollars. A demo version is available after filling out a web form, but does not allow saving.

DNASTAR Lasergene / MegAligner - Another popular program. Has separate modules for sequence assembly and multiple sequence alignments, as well as other modules for primer design, gene finding, and sequence editing. Trials available through web forms, prices comparable to Sequencher (depending on the number of modules purchased).

Vector NTI - Gained popularity when the program was made freely available to academic users, a policy that was ended in 2008. The current (4/18/09) list price for a 3-year academic license for Vector NTI is $1975.00 (with discounts of about 30% being offered).

Free Dna Analysis Software Mac Free

MacVector - Another program package with many functions that has been around for a long time. Academic licenses cost $2,000, with discounts for additional licenses. However, advanced assembly based on PHRAP requires additional license fees.

Dna Sequence Editing Software

CodonCode Aligner - Newer software for sequence alignment and sequence assembly on Windows and Mac OS X. Free trial downloads. Published prices, significantly less expensive than other popular packages. One useful and unique feature is the ability to align assembled contigs with Clustal or MUSCLE to create 'contigs of contigs'.

  • Runs in Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10) and Mac (OS X v10.5 and above)
  • Highlights restriction sites in the editing window
  • Accurately reflects Dam/Dcm blocking of enzyme sites
  • Highlights text using pre-defined and custom feature libraries
  • Shows translation, Tm, %GC, ORF of selected DNA in real-time
  • Reads DNA Strider, Fasta, Genbank and EMBL files
  • Saves files as DNA Strider-compatible or Genbank file format
  • Highlights and draws graphic maps using feature annotations from genbank and embl files
  • Directly BLASTs selected sequence at NCBI or wormbase

Dna Raw Data Free Analysis

  • Text map shows DNA sequence, translation, and features as text-based graphics

  • Creates graphic restriction maps- linear or circular with features indicated
  • Connects graphic and text features with hyperlink double click
  • Saves graphics as encapsulated postscript or scalable vector graphics
  • Copy and save graphics as Windows metafiles (MS Windows only)

  • Virtual restriction digest
  • Draws pre-defined and user-defined DNA ladders
  • Connects bands to text by double-click

  • Reads ABI sequencing trace files
  • Sequences in ABI traces can be aligned directly to a reference sequence, with the alignment hyperlinked back to te trace.

Raw Dna Analysis Tools

  • Selects sites matching multiple criteria (union/intersection- cut frequency, site type) in all open windows
  • Selects sites that cut more often in one sequence than another (for snip-SNP detection or diagnostic digests)
  • Has user defined enzyme grouping to distiguish eg. enzymes currently in stock.
  • Allows users to define new enzymes by name and recognition site
  • Imports DNA Strider format files (simple enzyme, site lists) available from REBASE

Dna Sequence Analysis Software

Other Features:

  • Most analysis windows are hyperlinked to their corresponding sequences, including:
    • Graphic Maps
    • Text maps
    • Virtual Digests
    • Alignments (including ABI sequences)
    • Silent Sites
    • Translation
    • Primer Find
  • Uses custom feature definition libraries, which allow:
    • Quick annotation of sequence
    • Quick searching and highlighting of all available primers that you (or others) have that hybridize to a sequence
    • Sequence to be annotated and visualized in multiple ways quickly and efficiently
    • Graphic maps that show primer binding sites and all interesting sequence features
  • Translates sequences with optional DNA alignment
  • Finds potential primers matching user criteria (length, Tm, %GC, self/other complementarity)
  • Aligns two DNA sequences (or any combination of sequence and ABI trace), with the alignment hyperlinked to the original sequence
  • Finds translationally silent restriction sites
  • Draws graphic ORF maps